Yubikey amazon
Yubikey amazon

yubikey amazon

Setup and user experience: We wanted security keys that were easy to set up and use.We preferred security keys that came with a variety of connection options so they could work on both Android and iOS, as well as both Windows and macOS computers.

yubikey amazon

Consistency and compatibility: We looked for security keys that worked as consistently as possible with each of the services we tested them with.Security keys typically have no moving parts and are durable, so you’ll probably use the same keys for many years. This means that they support more applications and websites, and it suggests that they are less likely to need replacing. Future-proof support for multiple standards: We focused on keys supporting the newest set of specifications, such as FIDO2.Security protocols: Since hardware keys are a security item, we dug into each company’s track record on previous recalls and looked at whether the company had a coordinated vulnerability-disclosure program to allow security researchers to report bugs.

Yubikey amazon